Being Thankful

As the 2019 holiday season swings into full gear, some United Tool and Fastener team members were happy to share their thoughts on what they were especially thankful for this year.

UTF Unistrut salesperson, Laurie Chin, admitted that she was thankful for many things this year, but the top one was not dying from a serious stroke on Friday the 13th in September.

“I have so many things to be thankful for, including that my kids and grandkids are happy and healthy and my work family,” Chin explained.

UTF Chief Financial Officer, Melissa Swanson, said she is thankful for the friendship and camaraderie of the owners and employees of United Tool and Fastener.

“Everyone supports each other in so many ways.  If someone is hospitalized or has a death in the family, there are people sending flowers and visiting. Everyone supports each other’s children’s fund raisers by buying candy, popcorn or cookies.” 

Furthermore, Swanson explained, “When one person is out in a department, the others step up and cover for them. The company also hosts an annual Christmas function as a way to say thank you to everyone for all the hard work throughout the year.” 

In San Antonio, salesperson Brian Yezierski said that he is thankful for family, friends, and loyal customers.

Shannon Crowe, in purchasing, echoed Yezierki’s sentiment.

“I am thankful for my family, friends and health.”

Meanwhile, UTF owners Bobby Williams and Steve Blackwell expressed their thankfulness for “the continued support of both new and longstanding customers, the health of their families and employees, and the pleasure of good friends.”