Accidents can happen anywhere, but in the construction industry, it’s especially important to have safety on the forefront of everyone’s minds. Therefore, having an updated ANSI first aid kit on each construction or work site is a top priority. United Tool and Fastener offers the safety kits necessary for all types of work sites.
Class A versus Class B
Class A first aid kits are intended to provide a basic range of products to deal with most common types of injuries encountered in the workplace such as major and minor wounds (such as cuts and abrasions), minor burns, and eye injuries.
Class B first aid kits are intended to provide a broader range and quantity of supplies (than Class A) to deal with injuries that personnel may encounter in more populated, complex, and/or high-risk work environments (ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2015). First aid kits designated Class B contain two items not found in the Class A kits: a splint and a tourniquet. Class B kits possess all items found in Class A kits, but in larger quantities.
There are four types of first aid kits:
Type I first aid kits are used for stationary, indoor settings where rough handling environmental factors are minimal.
Type II first aid kits are for portable use indoors, where damage to the kit is likely minimal.
Type III first aid kits are for use in mobile, indoor, and/or outdoor settings; damage to kit supplies is not probable. The kits comprise a water-resistant seal and can be mounted in a fixed position.
Type IV first aid kits are for portable use in mobile industries and/or outdoor settings. The likelihood of damage to kit supplies is significant because of environmental factors. The kits have a means for mounting, but because of the risky environments they are in, Type IV kits must meet the performance guidelines for corrosion, moisture, and impact resistance put forth in ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2015. These are the kits often used on construction sites.
To buy first aid kits, contact or stop by any of our three UTF locations: in Houston at 713-692-2323; in San Antonio at 210-495-8665; or in College Station at 979-731-8665.